Oral Cancer Surgery: Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies

Many people worldwide are unaware of the effects of oral Cancer. Oral Cancer is a deadly disease that can kill millions of people worldwide. Primarily, people came to know when the conditions reached their peak. It can occur in the lips, cheeks, roof of the mouth, and particularly jaws. This cancer occurs in men over the age of 40, with a higher incidence compared to women.


  • Excessive use of hard drugs, including tobacco, alcohol 
  • Direct Sun Exposure for a more extended period  
  • Any radiation therapy involves the neck and head area 
  • Human Papillomavirus
  • Human Herpesvirus 4

Signs & Symptoms of Oral Cancer 

The most common symptoms of oral Cancer are sore irritation or wounds that persist for more than 14 days.

  • Red patches on the internal jawline 
  • Loosening the teeth without any reason 
  • Numbness in mouth, tongue, and lip
  • Sudden weight loss without any change in dietary 
  • Feeling difficulty when swallowing for an extended period 
  • Bleeding gums without any reason 
  • Pain in Ear 

Oral CancerCancer can occur on the lips, inside the mouth, or throat. It can spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes in the neck. It’s better to avoid complications by consulting a good Dental Surgeon for a detailed checkup.


Early diagnosis is a key to successful treatment. If the above symptoms persist for over two weeks, you must consult your dentist for a better diagnosis. Proper consultation is so important that these symptoms are unrelated to Cancer or other oral diseases.

Several methods for diagnosing oral Cancer include biopsy, visual inspection, and imaging studies.

Tissue Biopsy 

Under tissue biopsy, specialists take a sample of the affected area and examine it thoroughly. The Specialist discusses any unexpected growth or changes in mouth tissue.

Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy 

If your Specialist finds any lymph in your neck for further confirmation, they can go for FNA, which is done by a needle to have a sample of fluid or cells from the lymph.

Open Oral Brush Biopsy 

Open Oral has smooth and bristle-thin brushes that use samples of cells from the affected area and send them to the laboratory to further examine the cell to determine whether it is a cancerous cell.

Is Oral Cancer Biopsy Painful? The answer is No, that whole procedure is painless for the patient, but we can’t deny the irritation. 


Endoscopy is mainly used to examine cancerous cells in the throat by inserting a camera through the mouth, and feedback is shown on the computer screen.

Treatment Strategies

Treatment for oral Cancer involves different types of therapies.

Radiation therapy

It includes high-energy X-rays or different forms of radiation, which are used to destroy the germs of cancer cells. Sometimes, this type of treatment is stand-alone, or sometimes, it will give surgery.


Surgery is the primary method of removal of cancer tissues from any human body. A particular infected part can be treatable with surgery; depending on tumor size and location, sometimes it is easily removed from the body.


Chemotherapy uses cytotoxic chemicals to kill the cancerous cell with different combinations of drugs. According to the condition, chemotherapy refers to the patient twice or once a month. Chemotherapy refers to the patient in several ways, such as some drugs provided as pills or capsules. At the same time, some surgeons prefer intravenous injections directly into the bloodstream.

Targeted Therapy

As the name of this therapy shows, it will target particular molecules. In other words, it targets proteins that control how cancer cells grow, and it maintains its growth and spread. That is why the researchers learn more about such medicines, which prevent Cancer from spreading and controlling it in the early stage.


The immunotherapy goes directly into a vein. It comes in pills or capsules that you swallow. You can rub it onto your skin, but this type of immunotherapy can be used for every stage of skin cancer.

There are 5 types of immunotherapy, including, 

  • cancer vaccines
  • monoclonal antibodies
  • Immune system modulators
  • adoptive cell therapy


This specific plan for Oral Cancer depends on various factors, including the essential stage of Cancer, its location, and the patient’s overall health.

 If we detect Cancer in an early stage. In that case, it’s easy to treat. We go for regular dental checkups, and other self-examination of the mouth can aid in the early detection of oral Cancer. If you find any symptoms or irregular changes in your body, immediately concern your physician.


Oral CancerCancer is a complicated and delicate procedure requiring a precise diagnosis and the right strategies for treatment. The patient must consult an experienced and professional dental surgeon who can provide the best care and treatment.

An accurate diagnosis at the proper time is crucial to successful outcomes for patients lying under oral cancer treatment. 

Originally posted 2023-09-22 02:21:12.


